Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Set Up

By group vote we are using Dungeons and Dragons edition 3.5 as a guideline for rules extending the source books to include those of Base 3rd edition as well.  Copyrights and such to Wizards of the Coast.

The various races in this universe are as follows Humans, Windian, Highlander, Grassrunner, Woren, Drit-Eater, Shell, Iron Ogre,  Manillo, Creeping,  and Grassman.  The non-human civilized races are referred to as clans and are described below, (many of these are adapted from existing D&D entries, these are noted so that they may be found and any racial feats used/concidered, the stats remain as they are listed) There are other races found across the continent such as the Arad clan (a desert dwelling race), lizardfolk and other monster clans, the shaman clan*, and of course the fabled Dragon Clan**. But these unlisted clans are either too scarce, too uncivilized for player characters or essentially extinct***. Both the Shaman clan and Dragon clan appear to be humans in appearance and may not even realize they are not human until extenuating circumstances awaken their power. 

*shamans have the power to augment the powers of others by fusing with them. 
**the Dragon Clan, The people of the dragon clan generally stay in human form but have the ability to transform into dragons undoubtedly the strongest of the mortal clans and the possibly the most feared until their disappearance after the Shattering of the Moon.
***I read somewhere once that restricting player choice in character creation is inconsiderate, but I think as far as playing in a confined specific setting goes it is allowable.

Level adjustments: I decided to make the players who want to play one of the 4 level adjusted races take levels in that race before being able to take class levels, I expect it to work like multi-classing were the race acts like a class for the first level (except for iron ogres where I split their racial ability bonuses over two levels) they are listed below the corresponding race entries.  Note: armor and weapon proficiencies change when a class is taken so take note of that as well.

Classes are the standard classes from the player’s handbook.  All published feats & spells are fair game. See <http://dndtools.eu/> for all your feat/spell needs.

We started at level 1, and ages are important weight and height are changed a little from standard and will be put up later. And we skipped flaws. And the first chapter is planned to have quite a few aquatic components so allowing druids add add crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, squid, barracuda, eel, porpoise, sea snake (Small or Medium), sea lion, seal, snapping turtle, and stingray. To their list of animal companions provided they come from an appropriate locality/background.

Roll 4d6 and pick three to add for ability scores.

Money is in Zenny, making the conversion from gold (D&D) to zenny (Breath of Fire) is 1 gold = 10 zenny. Essentially silver pieces.

Starting Gold/equipment:  roll for gold as per class in 3.5, and then chose one basic(non-magic/non-masterwork and under  1000 zenny) weapon and one armor and one shield for free (same restrictions). Also each character gets one “backpack” capable of holding 20 items not in use but within your carry capacity (like pokemon). 2500 coins occupy 1 pouch. Anything else will have to be bought with zenny from your roll.

Race, Monster, and Place Names pulled mostly from The "Breath of Fire" universe Copyright of Capcom.

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