Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Races: Day 8


Iron Ogre Clan: A clan of anthropomorphic oxen. Warriors of the Iron Ogre clan are immense and powerful.  They are also excellent craftsmen and can trace their mastery at creating weapons and armor back to ancient times. This increase in mastery is correlated to a decrease in warlike tendancies. They are also skilled at breaking apart walls and hard rock. Despite their size, they are capable of delicate and subtle work. They are possibly the best metal craftsmen on the continent, but some enjoy woodworking and stone working as well, and can be found in many places of commerce. Like the Shell clan they may appear intimidating but are a generally peaceful clan. Religion: many worshipped the goddess Myria, but with her departure from the world, the clan has taken to worshiping a fire god, Gibil, a robot shaped fire spirit born of the volcano which feeds Gantz’ forges.

Iron Ogre Clan (Half ogre SS pg218)
+6 str
-2 dex
+2 con
-2 int
-2 cha
Large Size: penalties include -1 to AC, -1 to Atk,
space/reach 10
30’ Movement
Dark vision 60’
+4 Natural Armor bonus to AC
Level adjustment +2

HD: 1d8
+3 Str
–2 Dex
+2 Con
–2 Int
–2 Cha
+2 natural armor
Skill points: (2+int)x4       
Race Skills: climb, craft, listen, and spot
Saves: fort +2, reflex +0, will +0
Proficient in simple weapons and light armor

Lv 2
HD: d8
BAB: +1
Str goes up to +6 racial (so plus another 3 to score)
Fort save increases to +3
+ additional 2 to natural armor

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