Friday, February 21, 2014

Races: Day 1

From Breath of Fire source material. Copyright Capcom

Humans: your classic, standard race. In this world they are the most populous race, found everywhere but nearly always the minority in the homelands of the various clans. Most humans have no qualms with the other races and some have even been adopted by the clans that live and work with, but there are a few human towns that hold old grudges from ancient war times. Religion depends on where they grew up, many humans have turned to worshiping St. Eva, though a few still worship the goddess Myria or Ladon the Dragon god, holding to old traditions. Others have taken to worshiping the god of the clan that they live or work with.

Medium size
30’ Movement
1 extra feat at first level OR a heritage bonus
4 extra skill points at 1st level
1 extra skill point at each additional level

Due to human’s adaptability a heritage bonus is available at character creation if they opt to be from a certain region of the world (see world map).

Tunlan: +1 to bard caster level & +2 to preform checks
Windia: +2 on any knowledge checks (able to use untrained)
Gantz: +2 on any craft checks
Highfort: +2 on climb & balance checks
the north (frost shores): +2 on survival cold checks
Bleak: +2 on bluff & sense motive checks
Tuntar/Tantar: +2 on survival & tracking
Prima: +2 on Swim/ hold breath checks
Arad (the western dessert): +2 on survival heat checks

For DM's only:  And of course Since dragons and shaman are integral to this universe the choosing of human race is actually the choice of one of those, I'd call it a 1 dragon to 3 shaman ratio, but really the point isn't to rain havoc upon the world with a party of dragons from the get go. and It gives a nice surprise part way through the campaign. Though I suppose that you could just choose a different time/space point than the one I set up and have at it. Dragon and Shaman details to come later.

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