Thursday, February 27, 2014

Races: Day 3

Arts by Taka Yanagi(?) and Capcom 
Highlanders: A clan of monkey (wo)men who reside on the highest mountain peak on the continent. The people of this clan are incredibly gifted in terms of athletic ability, like quickness and jumping. Their personalities range from irrepressible jokers to the ever-serious rule keepers.  Theirs is a militaristic based society lead by the strongest clan member. Leaders can change frequently as any member may challenge the leader for the position in the form of a duel. The looser is generally banished though exceptions are known to occur.  Generally highlanders act as mercenaries in times of war, selling services to the highest bidder, and in the present time of peace they have taken to taking jobs as guards for caravans or for treasure rooms of the wealthy. Highlanders are not especially violent, however their homeland might sound, they just take pride in their physical abilities.  Quite a few suffer from wanderlust, and as such they can be found all over the continent either street preforming or doing odd jobs for a sense of accomplishment. Religion: many highlanders have traveled all over and thus may have taken to worshiping for any of the religions in the world. There is no native religion in the highfort region, though there are sculptures of both the dragon god and the goddess in odd corners of their castle.

Highlander (hadozee stormwrack pg41)
+2 dex
-2 cha
Favor class:
Medium size
Humanoid (monkey)
>+4 racial bonus on balance and climb; does not loose dex to ac while climbing & only needs one hand free
>Slow Fall; A highlander within arm’s reach of a wall can use it to slow its descent. When first using this ability, it takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. This ability to slow fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves by 10 feet every third character level, and also only works when carrying a light or medium load.
Adapted from Wizards of the Coast.

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