Monday, March 17, 2014

Races: Day 11


Grassmen: Grassmen are one of the longest-living clans. On the whole, the clan is famous for being emotionless and guided only by logic, they travel the world when they are young gathering as much knowledge as possible and transform into ‘wise trees’ in their old age. Because of their extreme longevity, they often become sages for folk that they find mutual acceptance with, and offer advice and accounts about things that have passed long ago. They remain as the sole source for accurate historical information that is not tainted by the revisions done by religions or Gods. Unlike other clans, Grassmen do not generally live in villages or in any sort of group. Once a Grassman reaches old age they become a tree, unable to move ever again. Grassmen have the ability to communicate with plants (can make a gather information check and learn from any nearby plant) and able to traverse familiar forests with ease. Always ready to protect their mother earth, a Grassman will readily join a cause that is working to defeat a threat to the planet, otherwise they remain passive observes. Religion: because of their extreme longevity, some extremely old clan elders have actually met and or traveled with some of the gods and thus do not worship in the traditional sense. Instead they prefer to meditate and commune with nature. Their form while they are young can vary wildly between individuals (as seen above), but all have distinct plant like characteristics.

Grassman (killoren RW pg 103)
Favored Class:
Medium size
30’ movement
>Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects
>+2 bonus on saves vs enchantments
>+2 racial bonus on Handle animal and survival checks
>-2 to attack when wielding a cold iron weapon
>Manifest Nature’s Might
>When reaches old age become a Yggdrasil

Manifest Nature’s Might – by meditation for 10 min. in the morning, the Grassman may choose one of the following Aspects for the remainder of the day:
>   Aspect of the Ancient: +4 Racial bonus on saves vs. Enchantments & Racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) equal to HD.

>   Aspect of the Destroyer: Smite, 1/hour, up to Charisma modifier timers per day. +(Charisma mod) to attack bonus, +HD to damage. Only works on Aberrations, Constructs, Oozes, Outsiders, & Undead.

>   Aspect of the Hunter: +2 Racial bonus on Hide & Move Silently checks.
+2 Racial bonus on Listen & Spot checks.
+2 Racial bonus on Initiative checks.
Yggdrasil (a Wise Tree):
>Upon reaching old age (100yrs) the changes to stats are are different from the other characters:
 -2 str, +2 con, -4 dex, +1 int, +4 wis, +1 cha.

In addition the following changes occur:
>Roll 1d4 for new character size: 1 Large, 2 Huge, 3 Gargantuan, 4 Colossal

>A Yggdrasil is rooted in place and cannot move.

>Creature type becomes Fey Plant.

>Spells require no longer somatic nor material components.

>Gain +10 natural armor bonus to AC

>Gain immunity to critical hits.

>Can listen to and cast spells through other old trees (does not have to be other Yggdrasil) within 1 mile/ level with a successful diplomacy check (DC=10+spell level).  If close enough to communicate with another Yggdrasil spells succeed on diplomacy check (DC=15+spell level) range calculated using the closer Yggdrasil's position.

>Animal companions/familiars: A Yggdrasil retains the link between itself and its companion, and can communicate/cast with an animal companion instead of communicating with other trees. (as above) 

>Any wild shape forms are also rooted to the spot where the Yggdrasil is rooted..

>Attacks as natural weapons 2 limbs and 2 roots. Damage as lv1 monk of corresponding size.

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