Monday, March 17, 2014

Races: Day 11


Grassmen: Grassmen are one of the longest-living clans. On the whole, the clan is famous for being emotionless and guided only by logic, they travel the world when they are young gathering as much knowledge as possible and transform into ‘wise trees’ in their old age. Because of their extreme longevity, they often become sages for folk that they find mutual acceptance with, and offer advice and accounts about things that have passed long ago. They remain as the sole source for accurate historical information that is not tainted by the revisions done by religions or Gods. Unlike other clans, Grassmen do not generally live in villages or in any sort of group. Once a Grassman reaches old age they become a tree, unable to move ever again. Grassmen have the ability to communicate with plants (can make a gather information check and learn from any nearby plant) and able to traverse familiar forests with ease. Always ready to protect their mother earth, a Grassman will readily join a cause that is working to defeat a threat to the planet, otherwise they remain passive observes. Religion: because of their extreme longevity, some extremely old clan elders have actually met and or traveled with some of the gods and thus do not worship in the traditional sense. Instead they prefer to meditate and commune with nature. Their form while they are young can vary wildly between individuals (as seen above), but all have distinct plant like characteristics.

Grassman (killoren RW pg 103)
Favored Class:
Medium size
30’ movement
>Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects
>+2 bonus on saves vs enchantments
>+2 racial bonus on Handle animal and survival checks
>-2 to attack when wielding a cold iron weapon
>Manifest Nature’s Might
>When reaches old age become a Yggdrasil

Manifest Nature’s Might – by meditation for 10 min. in the morning, the Grassman may choose one of the following Aspects for the remainder of the day:
>   Aspect of the Ancient: +4 Racial bonus on saves vs. Enchantments & Racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) equal to HD.

>   Aspect of the Destroyer: Smite, 1/hour, up to Charisma modifier timers per day. +(Charisma mod) to attack bonus, +HD to damage. Only works on Aberrations, Constructs, Oozes, Outsiders, & Undead.

>   Aspect of the Hunter: +2 Racial bonus on Hide & Move Silently checks.
+2 Racial bonus on Listen & Spot checks.
+2 Racial bonus on Initiative checks.
Yggdrasil (a Wise Tree):
>Upon reaching old age (100yrs) the changes to stats are are different from the other characters:
 -2 str, +2 con, -4 dex, +1 int, +4 wis, +1 cha.

In addition the following changes occur:
>Roll 1d4 for new character size: 1 Large, 2 Huge, 3 Gargantuan, 4 Colossal

>A Yggdrasil is rooted in place and cannot move.

>Creature type becomes Fey Plant.

>Spells require no longer somatic nor material components.

>Gain +10 natural armor bonus to AC

>Gain immunity to critical hits.

>Can listen to and cast spells through other old trees (does not have to be other Yggdrasil) within 1 mile/ level with a successful diplomacy check (DC=10+spell level).  If close enough to communicate with another Yggdrasil spells succeed on diplomacy check (DC=15+spell level) range calculated using the closer Yggdrasil's position.

>Animal companions/familiars: A Yggdrasil retains the link between itself and its companion, and can communicate/cast with an animal companion instead of communicating with other trees. (as above) 

>Any wild shape forms are also rooted to the spot where the Yggdrasil is rooted..

>Attacks as natural weapons 2 limbs and 2 roots. Damage as lv1 monk of corresponding size.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Races: Day 10


Creeping Clan: A race of anthropomorphic frogs who live in elegant, European-style luxury. They speak in faux-French accents and are uniformly laid-back and narcissistic. Members of this clan range from cooks and bards to professional fishermen. They live under their own monarchy though it is somewhat of a façade to enable their lifestyle. Recently their homelands have become a vicious bog and most have elected to move out to sea and create a Casino in an abandoned tower off the coast. Religion: most don’t care enough to follow a religion, though some have taken to worshiping St.Eva.

Creeping Clan
-2 con
+2 cha
Medium Size
Monstrous humanoid (amphibian)
20’ movement 40’ swim
>Hold Breath – able to hold breath for 8x their Constitution Score
>Slippery +1 on grapple/escape artist checks made to avoid being grappled; -1 on checks to grapple something else

Racial feat: Croaking voice: members of the creeping clan gain a 10 foot/2levels range increase for vocal abilities/spells as well as normal talking giving -4 to move silently checks.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Races: Day 9


Manillo: A race of bipedal fish who are able to breathe while on land. A clan of traders, they boast that they will one day control the world's commerce, they do presently control the seas, and have not yet figured out how they can control the farm guilds as of yet. Their trade territory is any place that touches the sea and even some rivers that feed into the sea. The Manillo are notorious for their greed. All members of this clan are part of one of the many commerce guilds (weapons, magic, armor, jewelry, etc) along the coast.  Religion:  many prefer coin to gods, but some still worship the big fish that founded their clan and others still long for the days when Myria favored their businesses, no manillo will ever accept St.Eva due to the church’s repeated attempts to get donations from them.

(aventi/darfellen storm wrack)
-2 dex
+2 int
Medium size
20’ movement 40’ swim
Humanoid Aquatic

Racial Feat: Echolocation – while underwater, have Blindsense 20’

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Races: Day 8


Iron Ogre Clan: A clan of anthropomorphic oxen. Warriors of the Iron Ogre clan are immense and powerful.  They are also excellent craftsmen and can trace their mastery at creating weapons and armor back to ancient times. This increase in mastery is correlated to a decrease in warlike tendancies. They are also skilled at breaking apart walls and hard rock. Despite their size, they are capable of delicate and subtle work. They are possibly the best metal craftsmen on the continent, but some enjoy woodworking and stone working as well, and can be found in many places of commerce. Like the Shell clan they may appear intimidating but are a generally peaceful clan. Religion: many worshipped the goddess Myria, but with her departure from the world, the clan has taken to worshiping a fire god, Gibil, a robot shaped fire spirit born of the volcano which feeds Gantz’ forges.

Iron Ogre Clan (Half ogre SS pg218)
+6 str
-2 dex
+2 con
-2 int
-2 cha
Large Size: penalties include -1 to AC, -1 to Atk,
space/reach 10
30’ Movement
Dark vision 60’
+4 Natural Armor bonus to AC
Level adjustment +2

HD: 1d8
+3 Str
–2 Dex
+2 Con
–2 Int
–2 Cha
+2 natural armor
Skill points: (2+int)x4       
Race Skills: climb, craft, listen, and spot
Saves: fort +2, reflex +0, will +0
Proficient in simple weapons and light armor

Lv 2
HD: d8
BAB: +1
Str goes up to +6 racial (so plus another 3 to score)
Fort save increases to +3
+ additional 2 to natural armor

Monday, March 10, 2014

Races: Day 7

From Capcom

Shell clan: A race of large bipedal armadillos. Despite their intimidating stature, they are a humble and pacifistic people, as well as accomplished farmers. primarily a peaceful race, many live a quiet life as farmers though some choose to practice the martial arts as a means of improving their body and soul. It is also not uncommon to see clan members working in various other "fields" of physical labor. Members of the Shell Clan (as well as the local humans and other clans) worship the Earth God, Namanda. The Shell Clan make up the head of the farmer guilds in the plainlands and have worked to organize the roads to connect all the various farm communities and local monasteries.

Shell Clan (based on Goliath RS pg56)
+4 str
-2 dex
+2 con
Medium Size
30’ movement
Monstrous humanoid
+2 racial on Sense Motive checks
>Powerful Build– treated as one-size larger with regards to Bull Rush, Trip, Grapple, etc., and may use weapons designed for creatures one size larger without penalty
>Rolling ability:
>Level adjustment +1

Rolling ability: the shell clan can curl into a ball and roll around with surprising swiftness. Curling and uncurling are move actions. While curled, +10 bonus to base land speed over mostly level terrain, a +30 bonus to base land speed when moving mostly downhill, and a -10 penalty to base land speed when moving mostly uphill. In addition, when curled +4 bonus to Tumble checks and can use the Tumble skill untrained, but cannot attack w/ weapons or cast spells, and will count as flat-footed if attacked. with 10 or more ranks in Tumble curl and uncurl are swift actions. with 20 or more ranks in Tumble curl and uncurl are free actions. The roll can be used as an attack (tumble vs ac as overrun maneuver) dealing 1d4 + strength modifier to an enemy in the path. When rolling must move full movement in a straight line unless stopped by wall/enemy

Shell Clan
Hp: 1d8 +con
BAB: +0
Skill points: (2+int) x4       
Race Skills: climb jump tumble and spot
Saves: fort+2, reflex+0, will+0
Proficient in all simple weapons and light armor

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Races: Day 6

Image from Capcom

Dirt Eating Clan: Anthropomorphic Moles who built their world underground and live there quietly. They are known to be able to dig several hundred meters in a single day. Though small, they are deceptively powerful. They make their trade as miners or laborers in rocky environments. They also are known for their excellent teamwork building exercises. Their society is based around digging and mining rare gems found beneath the desert. Religion: they revere the Great Digger a legendary figure that founded their clan and taught them how to locate gems.

Dirt Eating Clan (kenku mm3 pg86)
-2 str
+2 dex
Small size
30’ movement 10’ burrow
Low light vision
Monstrous Humanoid (mole)
>+4 racial bonus on hide and move silently
>Natural weapon – 1 claw (1d4)
>Great Ally – When on the giving or receiving side of an Aid Other check, receives +3 (vs. +2) & when attacking a foe that is Flanked by an ally, receives +4 (vs. +2)

Racial feat: Honed Claws: 
Prerequisites: Improved unarmed strike, Dirt Eating Clan

Benefits:  if you chose to use solely unarmed attacks, a Dirt eating clansman may hone his claws into deadly weapons. They use the unarmed damage progression as a monk would for medium size creatures (this replaces and does not stack with monk levels  or level affecting items such as the monk’s belt). As a monk they become unable to choose freely between dealing lethal and nonlethal damage with claws. Additionally they take an additional  -4 to attempting to covert lethal to nonlethal. Finally  you must make  a dexterity check (dc 15+1/2  level) to use hand held items as honed claws become nearly useless for anything but fighting and digging.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Races: Day 5

Art by Hebina Masayoshi

Woren: A tribe of cat-people, resembling tigers. They are natural fighters and vary in appearance between individuals much like the grassrunner clan.  They have always been a nomadic people and many prefer solitude to traveling in groups.  Their pride as warriors make them similar to highlanders though they could never manage to become as organized due to this same pride and their willful and stubborn personalities. Simple and straight forward thinking leads them to take up the most logical religion/course of action placed in front of them. Clan elders are rare, but those who have made it to old age have taken to living in the rolling hills south of the plain-lands.

Woren (Cat folk RWpg92
+4 dex
+2 cha
Medium size
40’ movement
Humanoid Cat folk
Lowlight vision
+2 racial listen and move silently
+1 natural armor to AC
Level adjustment +1

HD: d8
BAB: +0
Skill points: (2+int)x4       
Race Skills:  balance, hide, listen, move silently, spot
Reflex: +2
Proficient with simple weapons and light armor

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Races: Day 4

Image compiled from Capcom.

Grassrunner: Members of the Grassrunner clan are easily distinguished from other races by their dog-like ears and tails. The male members or the tribe closely resemble dogs whilst the female members appear almost human with the exception of their dog/fox-like ears and tails. An intelligent and loyal clan they have only recently returned as a clan to their homelands after millennia of being nomads. They are a hunter gatherer clan that revers nature.  Some of the best diplomats on the continent are grassrunners,  due to their friendly and peace loving nature. Thus they were one of the clans that worked hardest to ensure settlement residual hard feelings following the shattering of the moon.

Grass Runner (gnoll RW pg99)
+4 str
+2 con
-2 int
-2 cha
Medium Size
30’ movement
Humanoid (dog)
Dark vision 60’
+1 natural armor to AC
Level adjustment +1

HD: d8
BAB: +0
Skill points (2+int)x4    
Race skills: listen survival and spot
Proficient with simple weapons and light armor