Gold Fly Pudding Recipe
While the Japanese text suggests that the Gold Fly and its counterpart the Blue bottle fly could be a reference to the family Calliphoridae making the Gold/Green-Bottle Fly Lucilia sericata a kind of blow fly found throughout the western hemisphere with its cousin Silver/blue-bottle fly It seems more prudent to use a fly that is actually gold to begin with and I might suggest using the Golden-backed Snipe Fly "Chrysoplius thoracicus", or the Sunflower Maggot Fly "Strauzia longipennis" instead.
This is a multi-layer baked pudding version of the classic Shoo Fly Pie
Fly Prep:
1 cup Gold Flies
1 cup Amaretto
Prepare flies by Feeding them on moist cornmeal for up to 3 days, then drown flies in amaretto until ready.
Dry layer:
½ cup flour
½ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup butter
Wet layer:
½ cup molasses
½ cup hot water
¼ teaspoon baking soda
Preheat oven to 375 *F, and butter a 9 inch (both round and square would work).
For the dry layers: Mix flour, sugar, and baking soda. Cut in butter until a crumb forms. Then add half a cup of drained gold flies.
For the wet layers: Mix molasses, hot water, baking soda, and remaining flies (lightly drained).
Prepare by layering the two mixes evenly. Start with adding 1/3 of the wet layer mix to the bottom of the pan, then 1/3 of the dry mix, and repeat alternating wet and dry until done. Bake 40 minutes, then cool before serving. -JMWelker